
Feeding the Soul Through Dance

Sunday, March 29, 2015

            One of the reasons you will find dancers throughout the world, is because dance has the power and ability to grasp our soul and pull us into a world of our own. Classical ballet, especially because it is based upon telling a story through movement, is like acting for the silent. Words aren’t used, or needed, so it’s a wonderfully expressive art form for those who don’t want to use words to communicate; those like me.

            Public speaking is my shortcoming. It is my vice, my weakness, and my obstacle. I’m loud and expressive with those I know and feel comfortable with, but more often than not, I’m quiet and observant.

            Ballet for me was how I found my voice. It gave me not only an incredible boost in confidence, but allowed me to go into a new world where I could be vulnerable, strong, passionate, and full of emotion. Stepping on stage was like being Alice in Wonderland. I was no longer the silent, pensive, girl who only spoke when circumstances required me to. Instead, I was whatever character I needed to be. A peasant in a village, a child on Christmas Eve learning the true meaning of Christmas with her brother, or Marie Taglioni during the 1800s. I wasn’t the most expressive during class and rehearsal (I think that worried my teacher), but when I stepped out onto stage, I was somebody else. I let my love for ballet, my hard work, my pain and joy seep into my movement, and in those few minutes, everything felt right. I learned more about myself in my first year of dancing than I had in the 12 years before. Ballet, especially at the first studio I was at, pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go, and I’m still surprised at how much I grew.

            If ballet gave me such invaluable experiences and lessons in just one year, think about what it can do for you. Ballet has the ability to change your life if you let it. I’m still shy and reticent, but inside I know I have the strength from ballet that will always be there. It gave me the confidence and peace of mind to know that I’m capable of anything, and I think once you find your passion, whether it’s ballet or not, you’ll feel the same way.

            Ballet is my medicine, and it sure has the ability to be yours. If you haven’t danced before, but want to try it, take this as an omen. You are never too late to try your hand at dance. There will be difficult, embarrassing, and frustrating moments, but just remember that anyone who is good, had to struggle to get to where they are at. It’s just a matter of time before you become the same.

            So go ahead and push yourself farther than you ever thought you would. Give yourself the opportunity to feed your soul through dance. The rewards will outweigh all your struggle and hesitation. Good luck.

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